9 de mayo de 2011

Friedrich Froebel (1782-1852)

Friedrich Froebel, menudo pedagógo, creo que todo aquel que este relacionado con este mundo de la creación de espacios creativos y lúdicos para niños debería de leerle.

Friedrich Froebel, pedagogue, I think anyone who is related to the world of creation of creative and recreational spaces for children should read.

Sinceramente, después de leer a Froebel uno se da cuenta de que era un adelantado y de que la mayor parte de sus postulados se pueden aplicar hoy en día. 

Honestly, after reading Froebel you realize that was ahead and that most of its principles can be applied today.

Transcribo parte del texto encontrado en el libro "Playing Outdoors", que resalta un extracto del libro "Friedrich Froebel: A selection from his writings" (Irene Lilley, 1967. Cambridge University Press). El texto original es de 1826, gira en torno a la reacción tras ver a un niño subirse a un árbol.

I transcribe the text found in the book "Playing Outdoors", which highlights an excerpt from "Friedrich Froebel: A selection from historical writings" (Irene Lilley, 1967. Cambridge University Press). The original text of 1826, revolves around the reaction after seeing a child climb a tree.

If we could remember our joy when in childhood we looked out beyond the cramping limits of our immediate surroundings we should not be so intensitive as to call out ´come down you will fall´. One learns to protect oneself from falling by looking over and around a place as well as by physical movement and the ordinary thing certainly looks quite different from above. Ought we not then to give the boy the opportunities for an enlargement of his view which will broaden his thoughts and feelings?
´But he will be reckless and I shall never be free of anxiety about him´
No, the boy whose training has always been connected with the gradual development of his capacities will attempt only a little more than he has already been able to do, and will come safely through all these dangers. It is the boy who does not know his strength and the demands made on it who is likely to venture beyond his experience and run into unsuspected danger.

Es un gusto leer a Froebel.

It is a pleasure to read Froebel.

1 comentario:

  1. ¡Qué fotos tan chulas las del blog!

    Ya soy seguidora, así que a partir de ahora no me pierdo ni una entrada.

    Besos y suerte!!!
